Thursday, June 17, 2010

FIFA World Cup Menu - Week 2

Here it is! Week 2. 3 games a day, I'm in total overload. And I've discovered I'm seriously going for Spain. I was quite disappointed when they lost their first game. For the whole day... The emotions one goes through for their favorite teams - sigh - I'll never make it to the end!

2010 FIFA World Cup Menu - Week 2

1. Argentina - Pork Empanadas
2. Denmark - Toast Skagan (June 23rd is Sankthansaften or Midsummer in Denmark. Time to celebrate!)
3. Korea - Kalbigui (Grilled Ribs)
4. Italy - Pea Risotto
5. Algeria - North Africa Burgers

This week is going to be fun. I have fresh peas, first batch from the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia! They'll make a great risotto. The link here is for my general risotto recipe. I've blogged about it a couple of times, type risotto in the search box on this page in the upper left corner and you'll get lots of tips and tricks. I just used shallots, garlic, and peas in this one. It was awesome.

Toast Skagan is a lovely summer treat and one of my favs. The Korean Ribs will be lovely on a hot day.

I'm looking forward to making empanadas but instead of making the dough (if you have a Mexican, South American or African food market handy you could pick up the empanada bread there, I don't have such a place around here) I'm going to just use pita bread or refridgerated cresent roll dough. Life doesn't have to be complicated to experience the great flavours of the world!

Check back as I'll add links to the recipes above as I add them to the blog, just like last week.

Here are the links to the other weeks in the 2010 FIFA World Cup Menu
Week 1
Week 3
Week 4
Final Game Menu

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