Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We interrupt these Olympics for a brief moment of appreciation.

I was just watching a segment on TV about our PEI bobsleigher Heather Moyse. I think I've spent most of these Olympics a little moist in the eyes. Amazing. Prince Edward Island, Canada is one of the most beautiful places. I highly recommend a visit at least once in your life. I'm heading over that way in the fall and I can't wait. Maybe it's part of being a Maritimer, but PEI gives me a sense of peace. And my camera really gets a workout!

My mom has been thoroughly enjoying the Olympics. She's watched everything with full intensity and passion. And I mean EVERYTHING! She's right there, cheering on our athletes. A lot of these sports she doesn't really understand, like a lot of us, but she's been learning as we go along. I hope everyone out there has been enjoying these games as much as my mom has. I'm running out of clean red attire to wear! Must go put on a load of laundry...

I've been enjoying the Olympics all the more with my Olympics Menu. Last night I had Swedish Meatballs... what a yummy comfort meal to curl up in front of the TV with! I might have to make them a regular winter addition to my yearly menu. One big batch, divided and frozen will be a nice addition to the comfort food selection in my freezer next winter.

It's been a wonderful winter (even if the weather hasn't been very wintery around here...). I hope everyone is enjoying theirs as well. Not liking winter so much? Might I recommend lighting some candles (carefully!), curling up with some comfort food, opening up a nice bottle of wine or putting on a pot of apple cider and watching an event or two while cheering on your national athletes. And don't worry, spring is right around the corner!

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