Sunday, June 21, 2009

Greek Fajitas

I forgot to mention to marinate the meat. I use a little olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and fresh or dried mint and oregano. I toss in the red onion and pepper when I remember. Let the meat marinate for a couple of hours or overnight. Definitely a good step.

Glad Midsommardag!! Today is the longest day of the year and is celebrated as "Midsummer" in Sweden. It's one of my favorite times of the year. All employers in Sweden are required by law to allow their employees a minimum of 3 weeks off during the summer and many start their vacation with the Midsommar holiday. What a wonderful country! But I must return to the reality that is Atlantic Canada. Today is wet, windy and gross. I'm trying to focus on the fact that this rain will help my garden grow. I just hope all that wind doesn't break off my young cucumber plants...

As summer gets into full swing I often think of Mediterranean inspired meals. Wraps are fun, simple and convenient for summer dining. Here is a great turn on a Greek wrap but I'm calling mine a fajita because as I was assembling it I thought of how this concept was very similar to a Mexican fajita.

You can use whatever meat and veggie combo you like! This is great for picky kids because they can add what they want.

  • tortillas
  • hummus
  • pork
  • red peppers
  • red onion
  • tomato, diced
  • cucumber, diced
  • feta, diced
  • Greek dressing (I use a creamy Greek feta dressing and mix it with half yogurt)

Use enough of each ingredient for however many people you are serving. Don't worry about having too much, leftovers are great thrown in an omelet the next morning!


  1. Grill the meat, peppers and onion. Slice each.
  2. Serve the tortillas on a plate with all the other ingredients laid out for assembly.
  3. Let everyone make their own!

Don't forget the napkins!

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