Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cheap Wine! Just because we are in a recession doesn't mean you have to stay dry!

So let's talk cheap. In these times of economic uncertainty it seems one retailer who isn't feeling the pinch is the liquor store. Funny that. But I can confirm that I've found some great cheap wines for under $10. Those Americans reading this... stop laughing. I'm heading down there at the end of the month and I intend to indulge in some fine California wines. I hope you really appreciate how very lucky you are to have affordable access to such a fine selection of wines. It's a beautiful thing. Probably lucky I don't live there.... I'd be a lush.

On to the wine list! Recently I saw a recommendation in the local "Metro" newspaper for some Argentinian wine. Now I enjoy South African wine which I got exposed to when I traveled to Sweden. If the Europeans are drinking wines from non-traditional regions then they must be good given the fact that these folks have access to well priced French and Italian wines. So that has given me a pretty open mind regarding the origin of a bottle of wine. These did not disappoint. And they were each under $9! Give these a try the next time you are looking for wine.
Trapiche Astica Sauvigon Semillon - not a subtle quiet white. This one will wake up your taste buds!
Trapiche Astica Merlot Malbec - holy lip smackin' batman! I'm prefer whites for sipping and typically only drink reds when pairing with food. Well this one was so good I enjoyed a glass for no particular reason other than it was just tasty. What a pleasant surprise.

I picked up a few others around the $10 mark and have been pleased with each one. Give these a try:
Painted Turtle Merlot - Canadian - appr $12. They have 2 whites too which I intend to try soon
Funky Llama Chardonnay - Argentina - appr $10. Anyone who knows me knows I don't like Chardonnay as a rule. But really it's just California Chardonnay I don't like. Before you proponents of California wines started sending me hate mail, I adore every other grape varietal that comes out of California. See above for proof. So I think I'm allowed to not like one type. You California Chardonnay lovers, mail away. I can't help it. Back to this particular Chardonnay. It was good, it was cheap, I'd buy it again, enough said.

Try wines from the non-traditional regions. They are often affordable and more than often, tasty. I'll keep trying cheap wines and sharing my findings. The things I do for you people... sigh.


1 comment:

  1. You are so good to us. I can't believe the suffering you are going through for the greater good LOL
