Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Planning Leftovers

I can't emphasize enough how great it is to make extras when you cook and plan ahead. This weekend while relaxing at the cottage, I made a pork roast. It was too much for us to eat at one meal but now I have grilled meat ready to go. I'm thinking pulled pork sandwiches with a nice salad one night for dinner. I'll simply simmer up some of my homemade bbq sauce and toss in the pork.

I also had some turkey thighs with me so I bbq'ed them last night with a little Boursin (a flavored cream cheese like product) under the skin. Tonight I'll wrap them in foil and heat them up in our toaster oven while I saute some spinach and add some onions and the rest of the Boursin. Dinner is done.

Take the opportunity to throw some extras on your bbq on the weekend while you have time. Then you have leftovers for lunchs or dinners during the week. This also works with grilled veggies!

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