Thursday, June 08, 2006

Where did summer go? (and how do I cook for this?!)

We keep having this damn rain! It was a big 13 degrees here today (that's 58 for you non-metric types). On a day like this I would normally think of a chowder for supper but I had one for lunch. Not a great one either. Tasted like mushrooms which was odd because I couldn't find any mushrooms in it. The amount of seafood was decent but the taste just wasn't great. I like my own version best.

But about dinner tonight, I had Curry Chicken on the menu. See if it had been warm enough to bbq, I would have sprinkled the chicken breasts with curry, ginger, garlic, cumin and coriander and thrown them on the barbie. But since it's too cold and rainy, I'm going to turn it into a one dish meal. I'm going to steam some carrots and potatoes and then saute them with the chicken and some broth. For seasonings I'm going to add the above mentioned combo. I'll let it all simmer for a while until the broth reduces. I may add some yogurt in the end but I have Raita already made up so I may just serve that on the side. I could leave out the potatoes and make rice but I like the idea of using just one pot!

Actually, I'm going to add some turmeric to it too. My mom was telling me about an article she read about turmeric. It's suppose to have some great cancer fighting properties in it. In countries where it is used often in the cooking, there is a significantly lower cancer rate! We really are what we eat...

Off to peel!

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